
Breathwork Facilitator Training

I am forever grateful to Gwen Payne for her “Breath is Prayer” Breathwork training. You my friend are an incredible educator. The space you held for all of us created the perfect container for us to learn in such a powerful yet gentle way. Breathwork to me is one of the most powerful modalities there is when you are seeking the truth of your inner self. Thank you for taking me there as a client and a student. I am forever grateful for you and the amazing work that you do!!



Gwen’s teaching style is second to none and the sacred container she holds for this retreat is unmatched. My fellow students became a soul family as I was patiently brought home to my own body and spirit. She not only humbly guided us with her authenticity and nurturing maternal instincts, but immersed us in her gifts while leaving no stone unturned in the process. By the time I left, I felt confident I could not only continue this path, but bring this powerful healing modality to life in my own business and help others to realize the power of breath.

I highly recommend this training to anyone and everyone who feels stuck, lost, or simply desires a deeper, bigger, more insightful and impactful life. Gwen will forever be my Glenda, the good witch from the Wizard of Oz—reminding me of my ruby red slippers and how the power was within me all along.
If you're considering a breathwork certification, do it. Don't hesitate and don't overthink it. And while there are many choices to learn breathwork, I cannot encourage selecting Gwen as your instructor enough. If you are looking for an instructor with over 2 decades of experience, strength and grace, and incredible insight into this practice Gwen is your clear choice. She is the best there is and I will forever be grateful for my time spent in her presence.

Working with Gwen was amazing. Her style of teaching was inspiring, comforting and encouraging all at once. Gwen has a way of moving you forward on your path with confidence and knowledge. I would highly recommend Gwen Payne and her program to anyone who seriously wants to heal and help others through breath work. Thank you Gwen for the amazing work you do.

Gwen, you really put all of who you are and your years of experience into crafting your particular technique and I’m really grateful I got to learn from you because You really are the damn best.
Breathwork training client

It was incredible. I'll never forget the first breathwork session we did online and how profound it was. The breathwork training I did later on with Gwen helped me deepen my own practice and then step into facilitating which still feels surreal how things have unfolded!


Learning from Gwen, took things to another level. She brought not only her vast knowledge in facilitating breathwork, I felt the warmth, love and passion that she feels for it, and for everyone that was there in the class. The experiences that I had, and the connections I made, while being witness to all the miracles from others and myself, was nothing short of amazing. I walked out of class everyday thinking, OMG! What just happened? This experience has brought more depth to my life. 


Breathwork Facilitator Mentor Program

I had the privilege of working with Gwen as my mentor during a period of time where I was just beginning to practice facilitating breathwork in a 1:1 setting.

She was an invaluable asset to me and helped guide and support me to cultivate the confidence I needed to step into further leadership and to hold safer space for people. Without her I would not have grown as quickly as I did and my practice would have been a long time in the making.
Our weekly check in's brought me a lot of clarity and I felt like I could ask her anything and she would guide me with such grace. It was clear that Gwen has an incredible amount of experience working with people especially facilitating breathwork, specifically in small groups and individual settings, which is not often taught when you are trained as a facilitator.

Her expertise and wisdom in these areas changed the game for me and I definitely attribute my success in part to having her as my mentor through the pivotal moments of my growth as a leader, facilitator, space holder and business owner.

Nothing will prepare you to step into the unknown with people and breathe them into deeper connection with themselves. All you can do is practice and get better. Hence why mentorship for this modality is very key to being a successful facilitator.